Dads often get a bad rap. Wide eyed and confused at the sight of a blown out diaper, burning the waffles, and leaving the kids at the soccer field, the media portrays them as bumbling idiots. But a new wave of dads are spending more time at home and with the kids, helping with responsibilities that were once left to the moms. Here are some things the new Mr. Moms should think about.
1. Personal driver
Your car is no longer the place for a moment of silence. You are now your children’s personal Uber driver. Yup, paid with beautiful renditions of “Call Me Maybe.” You signed them up for all of those extracurriculars, so suck it up and try your hardest not embarrass them.
2. Build a gang
Get to know other dads in the community. Build a fight club, talk sports trash, and be there for support. As men, it can be hard to ask for it, but we all need it. It’ll be great to be able to plan play dates for your kids.
3. Get out and play
Encourage your kids to play outside and go out there with them! Being outside grows their imagination and will instill healthy habits early on.
4. Be domestic
Trade in your tie for an apron—a manly one—and don’t shoot for Soufflé right away. Check out our cooking section for some delicious recipes that are quick and tasty.
5. Come clean
As the day is winding down and dinner is cooking, it’s time to give everything a final wipe down. Pick up the house throughout the day so it’s not an overwhelming task at the end.
Step up and help give men a new rep when it comes to playing Mr. Mom and enjoy the extra time with the kids.